In 2017, the parishioners of St. Benedict’s Parish received approval to expand its facility (for details, visit the 2017 Plans page). A capital campaign was begun to raise the money.
In 2018, the F-M Area Diversion Task Force released its final report. The Diversion Authority announced that it was adapting “Plan B”. The plan features an embankment due west of St. Benedict’s Church and Cemetery. Unfortunately, this choice will isolate St. Benedict from the rest of the community. Not only will it remove any incentive for families to build homes near St. Benedict’s Parish, it makes it impossible for a neighborhood to grow up around our historic parish. For details on the flood diversion, visit the F-M Metro Flood Diversion Authority website (the map pictured above is from this website).
After this announcement, St. Benedict Building Committee prayefully considered its options. With great sadness, we came to the conclusion that we had to move to a new site. The original plans were abandoned.
For more information about our building plans, visit the “Building Project” page.