Drawing: artist rendition of the future St. Anne Center, St. Benedict Parish, Horace, ND. For more drawings, visit the Building Project page.
What is our new address? 8547 Front Street, Horace, ND
How big is the property? 20 acres
When was groundbreaking? July 11, 2022
How do I get there? Some GPS systems have not yet mapped Horace’s Lakeview Addition. It is located three blocks south of Horace High School. For detailed directions, visit the “How do I find our future home?” page
What is the total size of the Phase One building? 22,000 square feet
What is included in Phase One?
What is the estimated cost for Phase One? $9,300,000
How much was raised in 2017-2022 Capital Campaign? $2,000,000
What items from the current church will be used in new facility?
What will happen to the other items? Religious art which will not be used in the Phase One building will be put in storage. It will be incorporated into the design of the future church. Other items (for example, the kitchen stoves, refrigerators, furniture, etc.) will be disposed of.
What is the seating capacity?
More than 500 chairs can be set up in the social hall for the celebration of Mass. Additional overflow seating can be set up in the lobby.
For social events, there is room for 41 round tables; with 8 chairs each, that is a total of 328 persons.For sample seating diagrams, visit the “Building Plans” page.
When will we move?
The parish office will at the new site beginning Monday, March 25, 2024.
The first Mass at our new location with be the Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 30, 2024.